Episode #007 – Describe your management philosophy
Again, there is not a single answer that suits or makes or works for every situation and every organization. Best thing to do over here is that you need to quantify your own leadership profile.
Again, there is not a single answer that suits or makes or works for every situation and every organization. Best thing to do over here is that you need to quantify your own leadership profile.
You are organised, but at the same time, you understand what the situation is and are able to exercise the right muscle in the right proportion for the situation.
Make sure this is an opportunity to have an authentic conversation. Make sure this is an opportunity to have an authentic conversation. When you are attempting when you’re trying to achieve something, when you’re out to get something and in the process, despite your best effort, despite your contingency planning, despite your best and the highest quality of the plan and highest quality of execution, you do not get the intended outcome. That’s when you call it a failure.
Why is this particular question asked? Panel wants to see if there are any rough edges to your personality. If you’re able to take the stress. Whether you’re ready for seniority.
What you may want to do is – that you want to understand what role you’re interviewing for this product, or growth or marketing or design or UX. Have you done something that is in this particular spectrum?
The question for today is, what does success mean to you? This question does come across in different ways. It might be phrased a little differently in different interviews. Most likely, this will come at a stage when you’re either talking to HR, you’re talking to the founder, or your people are talking to a key sponsor for the position.
Career Fitness – Job Interview Preparation Series for Mid Career Professionals (Technology, Product, Corporate, Startups)
What exactly is the requirement and idea behind creating a product? It all depends on what the end result is going to be followed by the long trail of processes of product creation.
The definition of “product vision” goes way beyond just defining what it is. A product’s vision also illustrates the product’s intent and what it aims to solve.
Lockdown saw a surge of 2 hour to 5 day workshops. These were mostly introductory offerings leading to a larger product. Brands and individuals (Gig workers) both jumped on this big time. Here is an analysis of the phenomena that lasted for 2 quarters.