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Write for us

Although I produce much of the content myself, I publish articles by other bloggers. Look at my instructions for submission below.

Our key focus is to offer quality content. We will be proud to have you share your thoughts in a genuinely awesome post about a recent endeavour, or lessons learnt, or stuff that succeeded and failed. With absolute credit, your performance will be awarded. 

Before getting in touch with your idea, please read this information. It would dramatically increase the odds of getting admitted.

Who can submit an article?

You! (Unless you are a spammer). Our authors vary from first-timers to seasoned journalists. As editorial supervision is part of our operation, we can be a fantastic place to publish your first piece. 

You need an idea, something you want to share, and the opportunity to bring an outline together to convince us that our readers will be interested in your idea. When you compose and rewrite your post, we will give you whatever support you need from that point on. We will be honoured to launch your writing career with us as accomplished authors have started somewhere.

What kind of articles do I publish?

We write posts written by persons who work in the education domain for people who work on the site. They include: 

  1. Tutorials-Either helping individuals get acquainted with new technology or walking them through a project’s development process. 
  2. Opinion-Do you have a clear opinion in our business on something and the study to prove it? These can build valuable points for communicating. 
  3. Ultimate Guides-Longer papers that delve into a subject. A reference piece that individuals are going to come to time and again. 
  4. Case Studies: What did you or your Edtech gain from a specific project? They ought to reflect on realistic examples, not just an excellent narrative that would be helpful to others.

Publishing Policy & Rights

    1. We do not post news releases or other material about public relations (PR). 
    2. We’ve got no secret ads. 
    3. We don’t partake in affiliate ads of any kind. 
    4. We do not impact our authors’ or contributors’ views and do not allow them to tailor their work to suit our personal preferences, priorities or opinions. 
    5. For our competitions and giveaways, we never use donated items as prizes. 
    6. In some partner-linking scheme, we do not engage. 
    7. We never put ties to business partners or any third parties as favours. 
    8. We value writers, artists, photographers and developers’ rights. Suppose we can spot unauthorised references or copyright violations with a reasonable attempt by double-checking content to be written. In that case, we can never publish links to illegal sources that duplicate the work of others or that breach author rights.
    9. We are pleased to receive constructive criticism and suggestions from readers and friends, but we will never do favours in exchange for them. Our reviews are based on its authors’ experience and are made in the best interests of its readers and the world of web design. 

Reports are written also published in eBooks, but with the author’s permission, of course. Authors are credited in all eBooks and all translations of papers written on the site. They are an essential component of the documents.

What I do NOT publish?

We partner with individual writers. We will automatically refuse pieces sent on behalf of your CEO or a member of your team who is nameless. 

We do not publish articles that are a blatant attempt at content marketing. Although your company and product experience are essential, it will reject pieces full of links to your product or a walkthrough of how to use your product. Think of what you’ve heard, not how to sell it to our readers. 

It is doubtful that press releases, lists, and product reviews are essential to our readers or us.

Sponsored Posts

Nopes. Not at this point in time.

Who are we publishing for?

The audience consists of Product, EdTech experts, Sales Managers, UX, Instructional Designers. When you write, presume that a competent peer is your reader. 

Practical guidance that comes from actual practice and what we strive for are well-researched opinions. For more tips on how to compose for our audience, see the writing and style guide.

What will I ask of you?

When we give the green light to your outline and ask you to write an essay, we ask: 


  1. The essay is an original work, not what you have written elsewhere. 
  2. You will collaborate with the editor you’ve been given and be open to their input. 
  3. For the publisher, you will set a timetable for completion, and if you know, you will miss a date, consult with them. 
  4. This is highly important to remember whether you are writing about something experienced when working on your goods. You are committed to our publication policies. If something is vague, you should still ask your publisher.

What will do for you?

It’s a two-way process to produce great content:


  1. We have stunning, knowledgeable editors and reviewers with particular knowledge of the topics we cover. They’re going to help guarantee that your article hits the mark. 
  2. With your photo and profile, we send you a byline so that readers can find out more about you and your work. 
  3. We’ll promote your post on Twitter and all of our other channels. 
  4. Here we have a complete guide to our writing process; we strive to create a great writers experience and help you publish your best work with us.

Pitch to me

Initially, we would like to see an overview rather than a whole post. We will also assist writers in refining their outline to one that we would embrace. We would have dismissed it if they had submitted the finished piece. You can read some basic details about pitching in this post and why we are asking for an overview. 

You should submit your pitch via our contact form and include the following: 


  1. Who is the article’s target audience, and what level of expertise is it targeted? 
  2. What will be taken away from reading the article by the target audience? 
  3. Why is it that you are the right person to write this article? Include ties to other texts and knowledge about your expertise. 
  4. Your description suggested. The key headings and descriptions of what you will discuss in each section will be 200-300 words. 


We’re still happy to make new friends and explore new opportunities. We will be delighted to have you on board. 


Last updated Mayuresh Shilotri Updated December 5, 2021