Naturally, humans are much attracted by aesthetically designed content. Visual elements play an important role and give rise to a better understanding.
A visual designer has a bigger responsibility for designing the content in such a way that it satisfies all the needs of the learner. Simplicity and clarity in the content are the two most important things that engage the learners more to any learning platform.
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Why is Visual Design so important?
Visual design holds a very important value in the life of the learners. Several e-learning platforms use different visual designs to make them more attractive to learners.
Visual designs are important for both the learners and the e-learning platform. For the learners is beneficial because it holds a greater retaining power, the learner can remember the content for a longer duration of time. For the e-learning platform, it is good because it increases the traffic and engagement of the users. Most of the learners prefer to visit such platforms that offer powerful content, a combination of visual design, and fresh content.
It is the responsibility of the visual designer to design the e-learning platform in such a way that it attracts most of the learners. The combination of the written content and graphics should engage so that the learner does not lose their interest while reading or watching it. A visual designer holds a very important position. His duties include things like:
- One of their major roles on the e-learning platform is that it presents the content on the platform attractively. Their prime concern is how the content looks to the visitor. They make sure they maintain the effectiveness of the content. And they do all the improvements according to the demands of the learner.
- It is proven that a learner loves reading visually appealing content. This type of content creates a major impact on the learner’s mind. Often it is seen that many e-learning platforms fail to grab learner’s attention just because they don’t have that content that is pleasing to the learner’s eye. Though the quality of the written content is good, the visuals are not up to the mark. As a result, the learner switched to another platform. So in this, the visual designer plays a key role in designing the platform.
- The most creative ones in the entire team of the e-learning platform are the visual designers. Their role revolves around designing the process of the platform in the most creative way. Their creative ideas leave a deep impact on the learner’s thinking.
How does Visual design benefit the learning process of a learner?
Due to the pandemic, many of the students have moved online and started studying on the e-learning platforms. In a traditional way of teaching, the students had to hear long lectures with no extra effort in terms of graphics and images. Whereas when the students moved to study on the e-learning platform, he gets to witness the content with several extra elements like videos, images, and graphics.
It was noted that the learner was learning fast and with much concentration on the learning platform because of the visual designs of it. The learners also agreed that they enjoyed learning as this type of learning is creating a greater impact on their minds.
All this is possible because of the engaging content present on the platform, which is possible due to the creative mind of the visual designer. A designer who thinks according to the learner’s perspective and then designs things. Learning is a lifelong process, in which the learning platform plays a crucial role.
The designer’s design should not only be appealing but also form an emotional connection with the learner. So that the learners in any case should not find it ineffective. An e-learning platform is all about visual designs.
While designing the visual designer should keep certain things in mind’s like:
- What is the aim of the e-learning course or content written?
- Recognise the right content and accordingly design
- Visuals designs should be balanced well with the psychological instructional events.
If all the above three points are cleared in the minds of the visual designer, then definitely an excellent piece of e-learning content that is visually appealing is obtained for the learners.
How can psychological instructional events be used with Visual designs?
The psychological events are the ones that hit the learner’s mind directly. It can be several graphics that are visually attractive. It plays an important role in enhancing the design of the learning platform. There are some elements present in it like:
- Cueing graphics that are suitable for the learners.
- Easy navigation and less use of intricate sentences.
- Free access to multi-channel learning to the learners
- Best user interface and appealing visuals for maximum engagement.
In this entire process of visual design, the visual designer must be cautious of the overload to the learners. With overload I mean to say that in making the platform appealing and interesting, sometimes the designer overdose with the animations. Because of this, there is a cognitive overload.
Though this can be simplified by following the necessary steps. For the ease of the learners, it provides them with several required buttons like pause, playback, etc for the pre-recorded videos and animations. This will help in decreasing this problem up to a great extent.
For this, if the visual designer follows the visual designing strategy, then it will reduce the problem of working again for improving things. A well-maintained visual designing strategy is a must for an eLearning platform.
A good visual design definitely helps in the efficient working of the e-learning platform. From such platforms, the learners also gain a great piece of learning with the best user experience.
As discussed in a blog the visual designers must carefully design the visuals so that it may create a major impact on the learner. In fact, the visual designers should themselves take this as their responsibility to deliver the best experience to the learners.
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.
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