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The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer- Book Review

Toyota Way

‘The Toyota Way’ or rather I would say it should be everyone’s way. It’s a great book inside out emphasizing how to have a successful business. It will not only guide you with the automobile industry but also with other businesses. 

This book is  my formal introduction to Lean and the Toyota Production System (TPS). In fact, I have also used some Lean tools mentioned in it. It’s an excellent source for the one who is interested in lean management and lean production. It gives a detailed study on this topic with some amazing examples. 

The book clearly explains how Toyota has become one of the leading brands. It states how management principles help in creating quality and reliability at their best. The book will give expert opinions and plans for giving a smooth run to your manufacturing process.

These Hard times by sharing the experience of how Toyota stopped its manufacturing process in a difficult situation and how it got back on its track. Using the minimum time and giving the cent percent result for efficient working, all this is clearly explained in this book. 

It’s an exceptional experience if you apply these 14 management principles in the actual world and get an exciting and rewarding result.  There are some points which I clearly found quite useful:

  • Strong leadership quality in your organization.
  • Put your focus on long-term goals rather than short term.
  • Accept challenges and give due respect to your extended network.

Overall, it is a brilliant book to read about becoming a successful manager and how to get success on any venture that you begin. I really enjoyed reading this book, and I strongly recommend those interested in reading about this topic. 


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Mayuresh S. Shilotri writes on Product, EdTech, UX, Customer Development & Early Stage Growth. 2,000-Word posts only. You can discover more about me here

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