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The Holy Science-Book Review

The Holy Science

This is an excellent book examining the parallel passages from both the Bible and the Hindu scriptures to unveil the fundamental unification of all the religions. Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri beautifully explains the universal path of enlightenment that everyone must follow. 

The book gives a fine study of universal growth of awareness, energy, and matter, or rather I would say the complete circle of experience that we name as ‘life’. 

The initial sections of the book throw light on the four Yugas (Ages) and their calculations. Author discusses areas that are previously not explained by modern Science. The book was first published in Sanskrit in the year 1894, but now it is available in all other languages. 

I would say that the book is clear and concise describing the physical and spiritual stages of human beings from the point of view of the yoga sutra. The idea of the book is to unify humanity and narrow the gap created by the differences in religious beliefs stating that there is only one God from whom we all have originated. 

Overall, the book is worth reading, giving you lifelong lessons of religion and path of enlightenment and some amazing facts about Vedic astrology. It will definitely increase your level of spiritual understanding and change your perspective towards worldly matters. 

In my concluding remark, I would say that it is a short book comprising some unusual information on the composition of the universe and space-time along with an analysis on the growth of human awareness.


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Mayuresh S. Shilotri writes on Product, EdTech, UX, Customer Development & Early Stage Growth. 2,000-Word posts only. You can discover more about me here

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