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Nudge- Book Review

Nudge Book

2017 Economics Nobel Prize winners wrote this book. It’s a book on how we decide in our day-to-day life. It is a simple easy to read short book comprising 250 pages only. You must give a read to the book for having an enduring impact on your personal and professional life, challenging many of your basic beliefs and principles of life. This book helps you realize the importance of the discipline of “Behavioral Economics”.

The key takeaway is that the environment (home, work, school) has a WAY bigger impact on our behavior than we understand. Author refer to people that design menus of choices as “choice architects”. Nudges are little design tweaks in the choosing an environment that correct for those cognitive biases that reliably lead modern humans to make poor decisions.

Amazing book to understand how Choice Architecture may influence human decisions and how important it is to pay attention to such architecture in our daily lives. 

The author mentioned so many practical examples in the book which are just eye-opening and are based on true researchers. We can make some excellent decisions without even sacrificing our freedom of choice. 

The author introduces the nudging theory in the book by giving some everyday examples to make you understand better. The initial chapters will give you the applications of design products or architect services whereas the middle ones will get you through the applications of personal investments and the last chapters are dedicated to how to apply the nudging theory to the surrounding community.

It is a thought-provoking concise book that requires a lot of your attention and willpower to get the best out of it. It has subsections, and each section has at least one story to amaze you, giving a lot of inspiration. 

Thus I would say that it is full of such inspiring and amazing stories that not only make you learn but also happy. And I really enjoyed reading the entire book. 

It is a simple easy to read short book comprising 250 pages only. You must give a read to the book for having an enduring impact on your personal and professional life, challenging many of your basic beliefs and principles of life. 

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Mayuresh S. Shilotri writes on Product, EdTech, UX, Customer Development & Early Stage Growth. 2,000-Word posts only. You can discover more about me here

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