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Opportunities and Obstacles of Distance Education!


Everything has pros and cons the same is the case with distance education. You must have come across this term before as many people pursue distance education professionally.

This blog is for those who might be confused about choosing it or not. So give a full read to it, to get an idea about its advantages and disadvantages, and then choose wisely.


Distance Education is the education received by a learner who may not be physically present at the educational institutions. It offers corresponding courses that help the students to study right away at their home or wherever they are living. All the study materials are provided to the student either via mail or on an e-learning platform.

If you are thinking to pursue distance learning, then must know the positive and negative effects of it. I hope that after reading this blog you decide you will go with distance learning or not.


What are the Opportunities in Distance Education?

There are various advantages of opting for distance learning. They are:

  • No time boundary

This is one of the major advantages, as it does not bound the student with time. The student can make a timetable according to their choice and study. They will be provided with all the study materials. The schedule of the examination is disclosed and the student can prepare accordingly. Some of the distance education institutions also offer a choice to postpone the exam and give at a desired suitable time, paying no extra tuition fees. There is great flexibility in this type of education. 

  • Have the option of studying at your own pace

In a traditional style classroom, mostly the students are tense that they may lack behind in the course if they do not attend regularly. But in this case of distance learning, this fear is removed, the student need not study according to the entire classroom’s speed. As a student, you have the option of skipping certain topics or lectures if they wish to do so. And listen to the same lectures as much time as possible.  

  • Place of your choice

There are various problems with some students. Maybe you live in a remote area from where it is hard to reach the institutions every day. Or maybe you have opted for a correspondence course because you are also pursuing a part-time job. So there may be any reason for which distance 

  • For promotion in job 

If you are an employee and for getting a higher position or the promotion on the job, you require a higher degree or certain course, then distance learning is the best option. You are at ease, need not take a break or holiday from the workplace to pursue the course. You can enroll and start studying right away at your place.  

  • Clear Communication

The best part of distance education is it provides 24/7 direct communication with the teacher. You have free access to reach out to the concerned teacher if you have any problem regarding the subject. This process is a much faster and easier way to resolve any issues. You can contact either by email or via video calls or audio calls. 

  • Study materials at your fingertips

At the time of registration at the institutions for any distance course, you will be assured that the materials related to your studies will reach you on time. The study materials may reach you via mail. You don’t have to try hard to find notes and books related to your studies. It is very useful for those students also who live in a remote area who really have to search a lot for getting the study materials. 

  • Distance education is less expensive

As compared to the traditional way of learning or regular teaching, distance education is much cost effective. This is possible because of the physical absence of the student at the institutions. And second, your accommodation and traveling allowances are also saved. You don’t have to pay for traveling daily. There are also cases where you have enrolled in a foreign institution, so all the amounts of your visa and fares are saved. 

  • Beneficial for the tutors as well

There are cases when the teacher can also not be physically present in the college to teach the students because of any urgent reasons. So in that scenario, the teacher can easily sit at home or wherever possible and teach the student from there only. 

  • Attention to every student

In a class full of 20 to 30 students, it becomes quite difficult for the teacher and for the student to coordinate. Sometimes the student feels shy or uncomfortable to clear his doubts and hesitate. But this problem is solved with distance education, as each teacher provides personal help to every student. It leads to better understanding and efficient learning. 

What are the obstacles present in the way of Distance Education?

There are some disadvantages also in pursuing distance education. They are as follows:

  • Strong will power is a must for each student

All modes of learning require self-confidence, strong will power, and a determined student. As in distance education, there is no fixed time or barrier for the student to study, they become quite irresponsible. In this way, they also can not cope with the speed and end up studying less for the exams. Not every student can match up with the way of teaching in distance education.

  • Fewer chances for practicals 

As distance education allows the students not to be physically present in the college and study, thus the student might get fewer chances to do the practical class. For subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology, experiments are a must be done by the student. So chances of practicals become low, and this might affect the student’s learning.



Distance Education is quite popular these days because of its immense benefits. Though it has some consequences also but it can be overcome if the person wishes to do so. The students have the chance to share, collaborate, and suggest while learning. 

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels.

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Mayuresh S. Shilotri writes on Product, EdTech, UX, Customer Development & Early Stage Growth. 2,000-Word posts only. You can discover more about me here

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