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Unmasking the tales of Remote Learning


Remote learning gained its maximum popularity during the time of lockdown because of the global pandemic. Before that remote learning was preferred but up to some extent, not that common in India. 

But during the pandemic, almost all the students had time to be a part of remote learning. E-learning is continuing to grow day by day, making more and more options for online courses for the students. It is all because of the right use of technology in education.

Remote learning is the learning which does not require the student to be physically present rather be a part of the virtual classes. Most of the schools even now when the lockdown is over are preferring remote learning. This is not only a safer option for the school authorities but also for the students. 

Today, distance binds us to communicate with each other with the help of technology. Similarly, educational technology has made learning even easier. Remote learning is unaffected by distance. A teacher in a virtual class can teach a student who is sitting miles away. 

No matter how many advantages remote learning has, it has several myths around it. There are indeed some eLearning platforms which do not offer the desired quality of education. But you cannot judge the entire system just based on a few eLearning forums. 


It is very easy to judge or assume the negative thing for a specific platform. Thus in this blog, I will highlight some of the biggest misconceptions so far taken place for remote learning. 

Myth# 1- The quality of education is not up to the mark.


Both the educational institutions and the teachers have agreed that remote learning has given rise to the higher learning experience. With the latest use of technology, the level of learning has increased. There are so many useful tools available in a virtual class that make learning more easy and fruitful. 

In remote learning, we teach the concept at a certain rate that helps the students to understand.

Because of several eLearning resources, the virtual class becomes more engaging and productive. We see students are attentive and their concentration is not easily broken because of the fun element introduced in the learning. Video content tools act as a helping hand for the students because they can watch the concept at their chosen time and place. 

With this, they can even do practice by repeating the steps. Students become more creative and we see a sense of curiosity in them. Because of its some amazing results seen in the overall growth of the student, most of the teachers and even parents are preferring remote learning. 

Myth# 2- The students are isolated in a virtual class.

The tales of poor connectivity and less participation in class are some common misconceptions. I agree that for many of the students’ remote learning is an enormous challenge, but that is probably because we introduced new things. Students have always attended their classes offline, so adjusting to eLearning can be a little difficult for them. 

But that eLearning platforms have several tools available which the students can take advantage of for fruitful learning. Many teachers have divided their classes into smaller groups so that they can have a better interaction in a virtual class. Freedom to communicate not only with the teachers but also with the classmate is also given via video calls, chats, screen sharing, whiteboards, and other such means. 


Second, as it is an online class, the student can connect with the teachers at any point in time, even after the class is over. All the doubts about the students are easily cleared. It is best for those students who are shy to ask questions in a traditional offline class in front of everyone, as here they can ask questions at their convenient time. I would say that remote learning provides a richer connection between the student and the teacher and builds a healthy relationship.

Myth# 3- Remote learning is very expensive.

Well, for this I would say that up to a certain extent it could be true. But the difference is at the college level only. At the school level, the difference in cost is negligible. The eLearning platforms offer online courses at a very reasonable rate so that each student can take advantage of them. 

But the expenses of remote learning are negligible as compared to the facilities offered by it. The latest technical tools make the learning interactive and engaging, so the community doesn’t mind spending a little extra.

Myth# 4- Remote learning is only for computer experts.

This is one of the biggest and the baseless false tales. For attaining knowledge on any of the eLearning platforms, you definitely need not be tech-savvy. No computer expertise is required for using any of the features on the eLearning platform. Students, as well as the teacher, develop new technical skills while attending the virtual classes. 

It is just that a student needs to have basic computer knowledge that they can easily learn with the help of their parents or teachers if needed. The educational institutions regularly provide tutorial videos of all the features or tools present on the eLearning platform. With the help of help from both the teachers and parents, students enjoy their virtual classes regularly.


Virtual learning is the learning of the future. All thanks to the educational technology that has made learning powerful and productive. I would say that do not blindly believe in the false tales or the misconceptions formed by some people. This is a minor effort of mine to clear some of the common myths of remote learning, and I hope it helps you. 

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels.

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Mayuresh S. Shilotri writes on Product, EdTech, UX, Customer Development & Early Stage Growth. 2,000-Word posts only. You can discover more about me here

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