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book review

Death: An Inside Story

We live in a world full of taboos, and death is one of them. Through this book, the deeper meaning of death is searched that regards it as lesser than we thought it be.

Consilience The Unity of Knowledge


There are different learning areas, and Consilience is a book that helps all of these areas. Human evolution and the book believe in unifying the theory of science and knowledge.

Eat That Frog

Eat That Frog | Book Review

Time management and personal productivity are what make “Eat that Frog” unique. The actionable steps in the book help you get started as soon as possible. Ideal for Procrastinators.

BaseCamp Shape Up

Shape Up

Shape Up is a book that generalizes the idea of first shaping a project and then betting on getting it done within six weeks by a self-nurtured team.