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Strengths Finder 2.0- Book Review

If you are searching for a job at the executive level, this needs to be step 1. It’s the proverbial answer to “Know Thyself”. I really liked this thought of the book which says “from the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths”. We give less importance to things we already have and just run for acquiring some other capabilities.

The gene

The Gene: An Intimate History- Book Review

Mukherjee makes science history interesting, accessible and relevant. It’s a book describing the tale of the birth, growth, and future of one of the most important concepts in the history of science: the Gene, which is the basic unit of genetics, and the basic unit of all biological knowledge.

Nudge Book

Nudge- Book Review

The key takeaway is that the environment (home, work, school) has a WAY bigger impact on our behavior than we understand. Author refer to people that design menus of choices as “choice architects”. Nudges are little design tweaks

The Master Algorithm- Book Review

The book is full of several interesting incidents. I really enjoyed the few last chapters that were essentially based on the discussion about the future of AI, privacy, digital values, and the author’s point of view on Kurzweil’s looming ‘singularity’

Cognitivism – Impact on Edtech

Cognitivism – Impact on Edtech

Cognitivism is an analytical framework for understanding the human mind. Here in this post, we are going to look at what is cognitivism, its impact on the learning process, and more specifically on adult learners.