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Book Reviews

Some books recommended by Mayuresh Shilotri.

Crossing the Chasm

Crossing the Chasm

Written by Geoffrey A. Moore, the book diligently serves the purpose of bridging the Chasm, which is a very likely scenario in today’s approach to the Tech Adoption Lifecycle. Through the book, two main chasms are clearly illustrated. 

Cow Care in Hindu Animal Ethics

Cow Care in Hindu Animal Ethics

The title caught my eye. The book is written by an American who later joined the Hare Krishna mission and had a change of heart. He became a monk who travelled across India. He understands the cultural milieu in America, Germany and India.

Savarkar - Echoes from Forgotten Past

Savarkar – Echoes from Forgotten Past

I foresee a movie or web series being made on this biography. As a book, it is scholarly. Voluminous. 1,500+ pages across 2 books. Unbiased. I was unaware of the sheer quality and volume of literary output that Swatantrya Veer Savarkar created. I wish more about him is formally covered in the school History curriculum.

Dr. R.K. Anand's Guide to Child Care-Book Review

Dr. R.K. Anand’s Guide to Child Care-Book Review

Generally, Dr. Spock is a go to guide for newbie (first-time) parents. But this book is more Indian. I bought when my first child arrived. My wife actually visited him when she was an infant. So we trusted this book. A complete guide for new parents or rather I would say an encyclopedia containing useful information about child care. It can be a wonder for the inexperienced or the struggling new parents. The book contains a wide range of information from newborns to teenagers.

The Holy Science

The Holy Science-Book Review

This is an excellent book examining the parallel passages from both the Bible and the Hindu scriptures to unveil the fundamental unification of all the religions. Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri beautifully explains the universal path of enlightenment that everyone must follow.