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Book Reviews

Some books recommended by Mayuresh Shilotri.

Dissenting Diagnosis

Dissenting Diagnosis – Book Review

I have 10 doctors in my immediate family. This book was an impulsive airport pick. Before reading this book I knew that the Indian healthcare stories are full of corruption, commercialization and medical negligence but after reading this I now know the magnitude of the situation and it is alarming at the very least.

Autobiography of Unknown Indian

Autobiography of An Unknown Indian – Book Review

Written by a self-confessed Anglophile, Autobiography of An Unknown Indian is a witty and endearing account of Nirad C. Chaudhuri’s life. The book delves into the mind of the author as he takes his readers down memory lane to a pre-independence India. Written in a sarcastic manner that takes potshots at both Indian as well as British cultures, this book is one of the early works of Indian literature written in English.

JS Good Parts

JavaScript: The Good Parts – Book Review

Crockford tells us how to avoid the pitfalls and write reliable code using the language of the Web, which is not going away soon. The 5 hour Web Series by Yahoo on YouTube by the same name is even better. Crockford is a tech entertainer. Lectures are arresting and insightful.

Click Book

Click! – Book Review

Click! is conversational, educational & personal. It makes conversion rate, KPIs, and sales funnel more relatable. Definitely recommended for anyone working on a commercial website.

Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Biology – Book Review

Mathematical modeling is being applied in every major discipline in the biomedical sciences. A very different application, and surprisingly successful is in psychology such as modeling various human interactions and predicting divorce.

Ramdas and Ramdasi

Ramdas and Ramdasi – Book Review

This book was first published in 1928. Written by an American Wilbur Deming about an Indian – Marathi Saint – Samarth Ramdas. Western perspective on what is religious matter to Maharashtrian. Some management lessons here.