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Practical tips, case studies, and more from Product people to Product People.


Practical ways to check Product Market Fit & Iterate

Crossings on roads are nicely marked; unfortunately career crossroads and decisions that we take during Product market fit journey are subtle. It takes higher degree of awareness and presence to detect opportunities. More importantly you need conviction to act on them.

Design First Approach for B2B Products

Design First Approach for B2B Products

B2B products have a life of years (if not decades). The business dynamics shifts multiple times in this timeframe. The UX and design is bound to become obsolete. However, there are products that are well architected. The UI feels relevant even when you know it belongs to the previous era.


Catch Up With Your Product Development!

When everybody wants the customers to choose them over others. The businesses have found a competitive advantage to speed up their development. There are even ways present to speed up your development without worrying about its reduced quality.

Are You The Master Of Scrum_

Are You The Master Of Scrum?

Constant learning and practice are at the heart of Scrum. It is flexible and embraces dynamic factors. It accepts the fact that the team is not aware of all the things when a project begins, thus the team gradually learns things with experiences as the time passes.