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Book Reviews

I read, therefore I recommend.


Six Thinking Hats Edward de Bono- Book Review

‘Lateral Thinking’ was the first De Bono book I read. The book has a simple and easy approach for examining the thoughts and difficulties of life with a fresh perspective…
Road Less Travelled

The Road Less Travelled – Book Review

Luckily I read this book in 2008 - Just before my marriage. I exactly don’t remember how I reached this book. It focuses a lot on problems solving and marital…

The Metamorphosis – Book Review

This is a strange book. Book that hooks you from 1st paragraph onwards. I read this when I was young. I could not understand the hidden message in it.
True Love

True Love – Book Review

It is a concise book. If you have been a regular reader of Hindu literature - none of the writing is eye opening. The best thing about the book is…

Factfulness – Book Review

Bill Gates himself has written a review for this book on GoodReads. Factfulness has a very similar premise to Freakonomics
The Dan Sullivan Question

The Dan Sullivan Question – Book Review

Short but very thought provoking. Its 50 page, 1500 word essay. Available on Amazon India for INR ~2500. Recommended to me by Shrikant Somani, Head of Sales at GreyAtom.
Dissenting Diagnosis

Dissenting Diagnosis – Book Review

I have 10 doctors in my immediate family. This book was an impulsive airport pick. Before reading this book I knew that the Indian healthcare stories are full of corruption,…
Autobiography of Unknown Indian

Autobiography of An Unknown Indian – Book Review

Written by a self-confessed Anglophile, Autobiography of An Unknown Indian is a witty and endearing account of Nirad C. Chaudhuri's life. The book delves into the mind of the author…
JS Good Parts

JavaScript: The Good Parts – Book Review

Crockford tells us how to avoid the pitfalls and write reliable code using the language of the Web, which is not going away soon. The 5 hour Web Series by…
Click Book

Click! – Book Review

Click! is conversational, educational & personal. It makes conversion rate, KPIs, and sales funnel more relatable. Definitely recommended for anyone working on a commercial website.
Blitzscaling- BOOK REVIEW

Blitzscaling – Book Review

It looks like Reid Hoffman spent a year in GreyAtom and wrote the book. Focuses on the approaches and mindset needed to scale anything.
Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Biology – Book Review

Mathematical modeling is being applied in every major discipline in the biomedical sciences. A very different application, and surprisingly successful is in psychology such as modeling various human interactions and…
Ramdas and Ramdasi

Ramdas and Ramdasi – Book Review

This book was first published in 1928. Written by an American Wilbur Deming about an Indian - Marathi Saint - Samarth Ramdas. Western perspective on what is religious matter to…
Beyond Good and Evil

Beyond Good and Evil – Book Review

The reason I am writing this review is that - something in the book clings to you. You should be open to re-read. This book raises questions; does not answer…
Streetfighting with Mathematics

Street Fighting Mathematics – Book Review

This book gives examples of educated guessing and approximation methods to evaluate functions, or to get information on functions that are too hard to evaluate. Recommended for mathematicians only. The…

Pride and Prejudice – Book Review

Honestly, my vocabulary and English as language improved after reading this book. For the first time, I could feel the flourish in the language. If somebody had told me I’d…
The Speed Reading Tony Buzan

The Speed Reading Book – Book Review

The exercises force you to engage. I discovered that my normal reading speed is 265 words per minute with 66% comprehension. I had managed to reach 800 WPM by end…

Principles – Ray Dalio – Book Review

Dalio's advice for individuals and companies boils down to harnessing the power of feedback, iteration, and improvement in response to failure.

The Tipping Point – Book Review

The Tipping Point describes the concept of why certain goods, firms, writers, etc. are highly popular (tip), while others never seem to break away as something special from the masses.

Reversing Heart Disease – Book Review

Learned how to think, breathe, inter-relate, eat, and exercise in the best interest of my heart health. Get ready to read real science. Get ready to read that you need…

Beautiful Evidence – Book Review

This is the fourth book in the series. This book is awesome because you get it all: elegant prose, beautiful illustrations, historical insight, and helpful, practical advice

Basic Econometrics – Book Review

A perfect partner for the beginners in econometrics. One of the best explanations on Linear Regression and its requirements. Makes you understand the econometric school of thought.

Design of Everyday Things – Book Review

First written in 1988 and revised in 2013, some of the explanations and titles became obsolete, but the basic concepts have remained the same. I highly recommend this book to…

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